How to Set Up GSC Property Using HTML File Upload

Google Search Console (GSC) is an essential tool for SEO experts and executives or those who want to know information about the website’s performance on the Google Search Engine Result Page. It helps you monitor and maintain the website’s presence in SERP. In this step-by-step guide, I will help you on how to set up a Google Search Console property using the HTML file upload method. This method is very easy and simple to implement, especially for those starting their SEO journey or not that much into the technical side of SEO or the website. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Verify Site Ownership:

Step 1: Sign In to Google Search Console

Begin by signing in to Google Search Console. If you don’t have an account yet, you’ll need to create one. Visit “” and click the Start or Sign In button. If your Gmail Account is already logged In, you will be automatically redirected to the GSC. 

Step 2: Add a Property

Once logged in, you can see two options, as shown in the screenshot below. If it is not showing, click on the “Add property” button in the left top corner of your window. You will see two options: Domain and URL prefix. Select the URL prefix option because today, we are discussing the verification method that can be done using the URL Prefix method, which is simpler and more direct.

Enter your website’s URL in the URL prefix field and click “Continue.”

Step 3: Download the HTML Verification File

Once you click the continue button in the second step, you will be redirected to another option. In the verification methods list, select the HTML file as the first option. Click the download link to get the HTML verification file and save it in your system.

Step 4: Upload the HTML File to Your Website

Once you downloaded the file, Next, you need to upload this HTML file to your website’s root directory. So here I’m discussing a general method that can be used to upload the file to the root directory because many of you might be using different hosting providers to host your website. This method will work irrespective of your hosting provider; for that, Use an FTP client (like FileZilla) or your web hosting service’s file manager to upload the file. Ensure the file is placed directly in the root directory (e.g. I have attached the Filezilla dashboard below. Always paste the file into your server’s root directory. For the WordPress website, there is a common root directory named Public_HTML; you have to paste the file inside this folder.

Step 5: Confirm File Upload

Once you upload the file to the root directory, it is always better to check whether you uploaded the file properly. You can confirm the upload by visiting the file’s URL in your browser. The file name will be the URL, so you can copy and paste the file name and check if it is live. (e.g., If the file is accessible and displays correctly, proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Verify Ownership in Google Search Console

Once you are verified, the Verification remains valid as long as the Search Console can confirm the presence and validity of your verification token using any of the methods explained above

Step 7: Verification Success

If everything is set up correctly, you will see a success message confirming that your site has been verified.

Step 8: Remove the HTML File (Optional)

If you don’t like any third-party files on your server, you can remove the HTML file you have copied. However, keeping the file in place will help in future verifications if needed.


Setting up a Google Search Console property using HTML file upload is a fundamental step for SEO professionals. This method is reliable and ensures that you have full control over your site verification. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and monitor your website’s performance in Google Search.

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