
Difference Between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4

Difference Between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Introduction When I started my Journey in Search Engine Optimization the name Google Analytics was familiar to me where GA is considered as a part of any SEO Experts daily seo activities from tracking the number of visitors, analysing the page performance, The country where most of the visitors are coming from, Bounce rate and Exit information which are used to analyse the performance of our website, and so on. When I started my SEO career in early 2017 only Google Analytics was familiar. When I first heard about GTM aka Google Tag Manager, It was a bit confusing for me. I had no idea that GTM is considered as one of the best and Top most tools with respect to SEO Activities and especially for using third party tracking tools. So I’m writing this blog for beginners, those who wonder what is the difference between GTM and GA 4 and to solve the mystery by explaining the uses of each tool.  What is Google Analytics 4? Before we dive into Google Tag Manager, Let me explain what Google Analytics 4 is, and why it is used. Google Analytics is categorised into a web analytics tool released by Google to Help webmasters to analyse the traffic flow on their website. This is a free tool released by Google and GA 4 stands for Google Analytics 4 where 4 denotes the Version of the tool. Earlier the tool was known by the name Universal Analytics or UA and after a decade of the release of UA, Google released a latest version of Universal Analytics and completely changed the dashboard of the Tool and named it as Google Analytics 4. So basically GA 4 is termed as analysis tools to track and monitor the visitor’s details including, Location, device, pages they visited. And there are many more dimensions and metrics that can be analysed using GA 4 but I’m not going deep on the different options available in GA 4, But we will be discussing each dimension and metrics in detail in the upcoming blogs. What is Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager is also a free tool released by Google that will allow you to add any kind of third party code without altering the original code of the website, thus allowing anyone with less experience with programming language or coding can implement code related tracking tools without affecting the website Code. GTM is mainly used for conversion tracking for Google Ads and for creating custom Events on GA 4 to track and measure different events in your websites. In other words GTM lets you manage Java Scripts tracking codes on your website. Like Google Analytics before using GTM you have to manually install a tracking code into your website. 


How to Add Breadcrumb Markup Schema Using Google Tag Manager

How to Add Breadcrumb Markup Schema Using GTM Navigating a website should be seamless and intuitive, and one of the best ways to enhance user experience is through effective use of breadcrumb navigation. Breadcrumbs are a type of secondary navigation scheme that reveal the user’s location in a website or web application. But how do you make these breadcrumbs more meaningful for search engines? The answer lies in adding breadcrumb markup schema, and Google Tag Manager (GTM) simplifies this process significantly. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of adding breadcrumb markup schema to your website using GTM. What is Breadcrumb Markup Schema? Breadcrumb markup schema is a structured data format that helps search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of the content on your website. This can lead to better visibility and higher click-through rates from search engine results pages. Google’s guidelines for breadcrumb schema provide the foundational understanding required for implementing this feature effectively. Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Breadcrumb Schema with GTM Step 1: Open Your Google Tag Manager Start by logging into your Google Tag Manager account. This is the dashboard from where you’ll manage all your tags, including the breadcrumb schema. Step 2: Create a New Tag In your GTM dashboard, go to the “Tags” section and click on the “New” option. Name this tag as “Breadcrumb Schema”. Then, select “Custom HTML” as the tag type from the tag list. This allows you to add your own HTML code for the breadcrumb schema. Step 3: Generate Breadcrumb Schema Code Use a third-party tool to create your breadcrumb schema. These tools often provide a user-friendly interface to input your website details and generate the necessary structured data in the correct format. Step 4: Paste the Schema Code Once you have your schema code, go back to GTM and paste this code into the Custom HTML section of the tag you created. Step 5: Create a Trigger A trigger will determine when your breadcrumb schema tag should be activated. In GTM, create a trigger that fires only on the specific page(s) where you want the breadcrumb schema to appear. Step 6: Test Your Tag and Trigger Finally, use GTM’s preview mode to test if your tag and trigger are working correctly. This step is crucial to ensure that your breadcrumb schema is being implemented as expected on your website. Conclusion By following these steps, you can effectively implement breadcrumb markup schema on your website using Google Tag Manager. This not only enhances user navigation but also improves your website’s understanding by search engines, potentially leading to better SEO performance. For detailed guidelines and technical insights into breadcrumb markup schema, refer to Google’s official documentation. Remember, a well-structured website is more than just user-friendly — it’s also more discoverable! Need to Become an SEO Expert, Follow this Blog for daily Updates

How to Create FAQ Schema using Google Tag Manager

How to Create FAQ Schema using Google Tag Manager Are you looking to enhance your website’s SEO with structured data? Implementing an FAQ schema is a fantastic way to make your site more visible in search results. This guide will walk you through the process of adding FAQ schema to your website using Google Tag Manager. It’s simpler than you might think! Step 1: Create Your FAQ Schema Code First, you need to generate your FAQ schema code. This can be done using any FAQ Schema Generator. For this example, we’re using TechnicalSEO’s Schema Markup Generator. Input your FAQs and get the script ready. Step 2: Set Up a New Tag in Google Tag Manager Log into your Google Tag Manager account and create a new tag. You could name it something descriptive, like “Homepage FAQ Schema,” to easily identify it later Step 3: Configure the Tag After naming your tag, it’s time to set it up: Click on the pencil icon to edit. Choose “Custom HTML Tag” as your tag type. Step 4: Insert Your FAQ Schema Code Copy the FAQ schema code you generated earlier and paste it into the text box provided in Google Tag Manager. Step 5: Configure the Trigger Now, set up a trigger for your tag: Choose “Page View” as the trigger type. Opt for “Some Page Views” to ensure the tag fires only on specific pages Step 6: Save Your Trigger and Tag Once you’re happy with the configuration, save both your trigger and the tag. Step 7: Test in Preview Mode Before going live, test your tag and trigger in Google Tag Manager’s preview mode to ensure everything works as expected. Conclusion Adding FAQ schema to your website is a powerful SEO tactic. By following these steps, you can enhance your site’s visibility and searchability without needing deep technical expertise. Happy tagging! Need to Become an SEO Expert, Follow this Blog for daily Updates


How to Track WhatsApp Button Using Click ID

How to Track WhatsApp Button Using Click ID In the digital age, tracking user interactions on your website is crucial for understanding customer behavior and improving your online presence. One such interaction that can provide valuable insights is the tracking of WhatsApp button clicks. This guide will walk you through the process of tracking a WhatsApp button using Click ID in Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Step 1: Create a Tag Named “WhatsApp Chat Event” Begin by creating a new tag in Google Tag Manager. Name this tag “WhatsApp Chat Event” to clearly identify its purpose. This tag will be responsible for capturing the click events on your WhatsApp button Step 2: Choose Tag Type Select the tag type from the Google Analytics, you can see there is tag name called GA 4 Event Select the Event Type Step 3: Enter Your Measurement ID from Google Analytics Navigate to your GA4 Admin Dashboard and select the ‘Data Stream’ option. Here, you’ll find your Measurement ID. Copy this ID and paste it into the appropriate field in GTM. This step is crucial as it links your tag to your Google Analytics, allowing the data to flow into your analytics account Step 4: Name Your Event When naming your event in GTM, avoid using symbols or spaces. Choose a name that is simple, clear, and descriptive. This name will appear in the event section of GA4, making it easier to identify and analyze in your reports. Step 5: Create a Trigger Now, it’s time to set up a trigger for your tag. In GTM, select the ‘Trigger’ option and choose the trigger type as “Click – Just Links”. This trigger will activate your tag whenever a link is clicked on your website. Step 6: Configure the Trigger Under the “This trigger fires on” section, select “Some Link Clicks”. This option allows you to specify which link clicks should activate the tag. Step 7: Set the Trigger Condition You will be prompted to define the condition for the trigger. Select ‘Click ID’ from the dropdown menu. This step is crucial as it specifies that the trigger should listen for clicks on elements with a specific Click ID Step 8: Specify the Click ID In the next column, select the “Contains” option. In the last column, enter the Click ID of your WhatsApp chat button. This Click ID is the unique identifier for your WhatsApp button on your website. By specifying this ID, you ensure that the tag fires only when this specific button is clicked. Save the trigger and tag, You can use the preview mode of the tag manager to analyze whether your tag is working correctly or not Conclusion By following these steps, you can effectively track the clicks on your WhatsApp button using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4. This setup will provide you with valuable data on how users interact with your WhatsApp chat feature, enabling you to make informed decisions about your website and customer engagement strategies. Remember, the key to successful tracking is in the details. Ensure that each step is followed carefully and that your Click ID matches exactly. Happy tracking!

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites (1)

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites Are you a beginner or an Expert looking to improve your website’s tracking and analytics using GTM? Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a fantastic tool that makes it easy to manage various tracking codes on your website without needing advanced technical skills or coding. A single change in your website HTML Code will ruin your entire website and because of that many are afraid to make any changes on the website. Well by installing GTM in your website can save some trouble and tension when you need to implement any tracking mechanism or LinkedIn ad Tracking. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the process of installing Google Tag Manager on your HTML website. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the power to enhance your website’s capabilities, track user interactions, and make informed decisions for your online presence. Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Tag Manager Account Before you can start using Google Tag Manager, you need to have a Google Tag Manager account. If you don’t already have one, you can easily sign up by visiting Google Tag Manager and following the sign-up process. Use your Google account to log in, and then create a new GTM account. If you don’t know how to create a Google Tag Manager Account, Read my previous blog on How to create a GTM account in simple steps. Step 2: Copy the GTM Code Once you created the account and the container you can see two snippets of code that you need to add to your website’s HTML. The first section of the code needs to be added to the <head> section of your HTML Page, and the second snippet needs to be added to the <body> section of the page. Step 3: Add the GTM Code to Your HTML Website Open your HTML website’s source code in a text editor or through your content management system. Find the <head> tag and paste the first snippet of GTM code immediately after the opening <head> tag. Find the opening <body> tag and paste the second section  of GTM code immediately after it. Save the changes to your HTML file. Step 4: Verify the Installation Once you copy pasted the Codes into the head and body section of the page,Go back to Google Tag Manager and click on “Submit” to confirm the installation. Remember you need to copy paste the code into each page of your website or else the tag manager won’t work. You can use the “Preview” mode in GTM to verify that the container is working correctly on your website. You can also use the Tag Assistant Chrome extension to verify that GTM is installed correctly. It seems nowadays the Tag Assistant is not working Properly if that is your case you can use for testing. You are now successfully installed Google Tag Manager on your Website and are now ready to fire.

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