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Difference Between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4

Difference Between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Introduction When I started my Journey in Search Engine Optimization the name Google Analytics was familiar to me where GA is considered as a part of any SEO Experts daily seo activities from tracking the number of visitors, analysing the page performance, The country where most of the visitors are coming from, Bounce rate and Exit information which are used to analyse the performance of our website, and so on. When I started my SEO career in early 2017 only Google Analytics was familiar. When I first heard about GTM aka Google Tag Manager, It was a bit confusing for me. I had no idea that GTM is considered as one of the best and Top most tools with respect to SEO Activities and especially for using third party tracking tools. So I’m writing this blog for beginners, those who wonder what is the difference between GTM and GA 4 and to solve the mystery by explaining the uses of each tool.  What is Google Analytics 4? Before we dive into Google Tag Manager, Let me explain what Google Analytics 4 is, and why it is used. Google Analytics is categorised into a web analytics tool released by Google to Help webmasters to analyse the traffic flow on their website. This is a free tool released by Google and GA 4 stands for Google Analytics 4 where 4 denotes the Version of the tool. Earlier the tool was known by the name Universal Analytics or UA and after a decade of the release of UA, Google released a latest version of Universal Analytics and completely changed the dashboard of the Tool and named it as Google Analytics 4. So basically GA 4 is termed as analysis tools to track and monitor the visitor’s details including, Location, device, pages they visited. And there are many more dimensions and metrics that can be analysed using GA 4 but I’m not going deep on the different options available in GA 4, But we will be discussing each dimension and metrics in detail in the upcoming blogs. What is Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager is also a free tool released by Google that will allow you to add any kind of third party code without altering the original code of the website, thus allowing anyone with less experience with programming language or coding can implement code related tracking tools without affecting the website Code. GTM is mainly used for conversion tracking for Google Ads and for creating custom Events on GA 4 to track and measure different events in your websites. In other words GTM lets you manage Java Scripts tracking codes on your website. Like Google Analytics before using GTM you have to manually install a tracking code into your website. 


Google New SERP Feature – What is Notes in Search Labs

Google New SERP Feature – What is Notes in Google Labs Google’s latest addition to its search engine functionality is an experimental feature in Google Labs called “Notes.” This feature offers a unique way for users to interact with search results. Here’s an overview of what it entails and how it functions: Understanding Google’s “Notes” Feature 1. Functionality User-Generated Notes: Notes allow users to write and share their thoughts or annotations directly on specific search result listings and within Google Discover. User’s can enable this feature by visiting Google Search Labs and it is now in Beta stage. Visibility and Access: These notes are not only personal annotations but are also visible to others, providing a diverse range of insights and information on a particular search listing. Once your note is approved by google by verifying the content provided it will be shown publicly 2. Usage and Interaction: Adding Notes: Users can add their own notes to a search result listing by using the “Add Note” button. You can use text, image and stickers on your notes. Currently links are not supported by Google so it better not to your Website links while writing notes Viewing Notes: A separate icon indicates the number of notes on a search result, allowing users to view these notes on a different page 3. Ranking and Relevance Quality Control: Google employs algorithmic protections and human reviews to ensure notes are relevant and not spammy. And also your notes are visible to the public so share with caution. No Impact on Search Ranking: While notes are ranked for relevance, they do not influence the ranking of the actual search results or website listings. 4. Future Implications for Site Owners: Publisher Insights: Google is exploring ways to provide website publishers with insights into the notes left on their content. However, the specifics of this feature and its integration into tools like Google Search Console are still under development. 5. Availability Current Reach: As of now, this feature is available in English in the U.S. and in both Hindi and English in India, accessible through the Google App and mobile search results How to Join on Search Labs to Get Notes on your Mobile On your Android phone, Search for the Google App and Open it Make sure you’re signed in to your Google Account with Incognito mode turned off At the top left, you can see a Conical Flask aka Labs icon. Click on it Find an experiment that interests you in this case you can find NOTES Turn the experiment on Follow the on-screen instructions Conclusion Google’s “Notes” feature represents an innovative step in enhancing user interaction with search results. By allowing users to leave notes and learn from others’ insights, Google aims to enrich the search experience with personal and communal knowledge. However, it’s important to note that this feature is still in the experimental phase, with potential future expansions and integrations to be announced

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites (1)

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites

How to Install Google Tag Manager on HTML Websites Are you a beginner or an Expert looking to improve your website’s tracking and analytics using GTM? Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a fantastic tool that makes it easy to manage various tracking codes on your website without needing advanced technical skills or coding. A single change in your website HTML Code will ruin your entire website and because of that many are afraid to make any changes on the website. Well by installing GTM in your website can save some trouble and tension when you need to implement any tracking mechanism or LinkedIn ad Tracking. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the process of installing Google Tag Manager on your HTML website. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the power to enhance your website’s capabilities, track user interactions, and make informed decisions for your online presence. Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Tag Manager Account Before you can start using Google Tag Manager, you need to have a Google Tag Manager account. If you don’t already have one, you can easily sign up by visiting Google Tag Manager and following the sign-up process. Use your Google account to log in, and then create a new GTM account. If you don’t know how to create a Google Tag Manager Account, Read my previous blog on How to create a GTM account in simple steps. Step 2: Copy the GTM Code Once you created the account and the container you can see two snippets of code that you need to add to your website’s HTML. The first section of the code needs to be added to the <head> section of your HTML Page, and the second snippet needs to be added to the <body> section of the page. Step 3: Add the GTM Code to Your HTML Website Open your HTML website’s source code in a text editor or through your content management system. Find the <head> tag and paste the first snippet of GTM code immediately after the opening <head> tag. Find the opening <body> tag and paste the second section  of GTM code immediately after it. Save the changes to your HTML file. Step 4: Verify the Installation Once you copy pasted the Codes into the head and body section of the page,Go back to Google Tag Manager and click on “Submit” to confirm the installation. Remember you need to copy paste the code into each page of your website or else the tag manager won’t work. You can use the “Preview” mode in GTM to verify that the container is working correctly on your website. You can also use the Tag Assistant Chrome extension to verify that GTM is installed correctly. It seems nowadays the Tag Assistant is not working Properly if that is your case you can use for testing. You are now successfully installed Google Tag Manager on your Website and are now ready to fire.

Configure Tag Manager for a WordPress Site without Plugin

How to Configure Tag Manager for a WordPress Site without Plugin

Configure Tag Manager for a WordPress Site without Plugin Connecting Google Tag Manager (GTM) to your WordPress website is the Most Important step if you need Deep data-driven insights, user tracking, and enhanced website performance. While there are various plugins available in wordpress sites in One touch installation, understanding how to integrate GTM without relying on plugins can provide you with more control and flexibility over the tracking codes and scripts on your site and with more metrics compared to other plugins In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of seamlessly integrating Google Tag Manager into your WordPress site without the use of any plugins. By following these steps, you’ll be able to deploy tracking codes and scripts, all while retaining the simplicity and security of your WordPress site. Whether you’re a WordPress enthusiast, a digital marketer, or a website owner, this method ensures you have full command over your website’s analytics, helping you make informed decisions and enhance the online experience for your audience. Let’s start our installation journey to connect Google Tag Manager to your WordPress site without the need for plugins. Once you Create a Google Tag Manager Account and create a container, Well if you are a beginner I have already done a blog on How to Create a Google Tag Manager Account in simple steps. You can refer to the blog for creating a GTM Account. Now let’s dive into the configuration process. When you get the Code, Paste the code Just below the Header code as shown in the screenshot Below follow the steps below Step 1: Adding the GTM Code to Your WordPress Site Now, let’s add the GTM code to your WordPress site. Follow these steps: Navigate to your WordPress dashboard. Click on “Appearance” and then “Theme Editor.” In the Theme Editor, locate the “header.php” file. It’s typically found under “Theme Functions” on the right-hand side. The instructions on how to install the GTM on your website is explained in the above screen shot. This is how you create a Google Tag Manager Account in order to user a GTM Tag in your Website. Step 5: Testing Your Tags After adding your tag, it’s always better  to test it to ensure everything is working correctly. Here’s how you can do that: Within Google Tag Manager, click on “Preview” and “Debug” mode, as you can see the option in the top left corner of the screen shot. Click on Preview Option. Once you click on the preview button a new tab will be opened automatically and you can enter your domain address for testing, It will show connected when your configuration is correct and tag is working fine. Conclusion: Congratulations! You’ve successfully configured Google Tag Manager for your WordPress site without the need for plugins. Now, you have the power to efficiently deploy and manage various tracking codes and scripts without altering your website’s code directly. With Google Tag Manager, you can enhance your website’s analytics and gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior. Happy tracking! By following this beginner’s guide, even those new to SEO can seamlessly integrate Google Tag Manager into their WordPress website. If you encounter any issues, feel free to refer back to this guide or seek assistance from the GTM community. Enjoy your journey into advanced website tracking and analysis!


How to Create a Google Tag Manager Account

How to Create a Google Tag Manager Account Configuring your Gtag ( Google Tag Manager ) account for the first time is an essential step in gaining valuable insights into your website’s performance and user behavior. Gtag is a powerful tool provided by Google that enables you to track and analyze various aspects of your website, such as user interactions, conversions, and more. Whether you’re a business owner, a marketer, or a website administrator, setting up your Gtag account is a fundamental process that lays the foundation for data-driven decision-making and optimizing your online presence. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of configuring your Gtag account for the very first time. We’ll cover the necessary steps to set up your account, implement the GTag tracking code on your website, and start collecting valuable data. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to harness the power of GTag to enhance your website’s performance, improve user experience, and achieve your online goals. So, let’s dive in and get started with the world of GTag configuration!   Step 1: Creating a Google Tag Manager Account Before using GTM on your website, let’s create a Google Tag Manager account. If you don’t know on how to create a new account don’t worry we will be covering every step in detail, head over to Google Tag Manager‘s website and follow these steps:Select the Create Account Option in the Top Right Corner of the Screenshot. Once you select the Create Account option then you will see Account setup Option. Enter the Details for Creating a GTM Account.Account Name: You can give any name to Identify your GTM AccountCountry: Select the country which ever is apt for your Company or Website Step 2: Container Setup Container Setup: Enter the URL of the Website as shown in the Example, You can either start with www or just the Domain Name will be fineTarget Platform: Select the required Target Platform, In these case we are selecting Web as we need to install GTM on a website and Select Create Option. Once you click on the create Option there will be a Pop Windows which you need to agree the terms and service agreement for using GTM on your website. When you agree the service agreement you will then redirected to another section where you will be able see the few boxed codes on how to install GTAG Manager in your Website. The instructions on how to install the GTM on your website is explained in the above screen shot. This is how you create a Google Tag Manager Account in order to user a GTM Tag in your Website.

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